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Staging Services are committed to providing a high-quality service to our customers. This guide explains our customer care policy and how we proactively strive to provide products and services in which our customers can have full confidence. We aim to carry out our Event Hire, Event Production Services and Theming Services whilst delivering service levels designed to satisfy our customers’ needs and expectations, to the highest standards of safety. We aim to set clear standards of service and to regularly review and improve performance. We operate in an ethical manner treating customers, employees and suppliers as we would like to be treated.


This guide sets out key aspects of our service and explains our strategy for achieving our service aims including:

Customer Experience


Customer Communication


Technical Support



Customer References


We aim to understand and measure your expectations in order to provide an enhanced customer experience.


Our aim is to:

Establish customer needs for products and services

Operate a continuous product and service portfolio management program to ensure products and services are designed, produced and delivered to meet our customer requirements efficiently

Provide customers with effective and innovative solutions to their problems

Facilitate a teamwork approach with customers to ensure expectations are realised

Provide communication links, processes, procedures and systems at all appropriate levels in order to maximise customer responsiveness and cooperation

Facilitate customer reviews to improve the quality and delivery of service with the aim of developing continuous improvement to all added value aspects of our service

Conduct regular surveys and welcome feedback whether positive or negative

Regularly review any suggestions to improve our service levels made by both our customers and our staff

Record and review all dissatisfactions raised in order to improve what we do, wherever possible

Deliver our customer services fairly, reasonably and without prejudice

Ensure our people will treat customers in a professional, courteous and helpful manner. Customers can expect us to respect their privacy and dignity. We are fully committed to treating people as individuals, providing equality of opportunity for all our employees and equal treatment for our customers

Value diversity which will enable us to realise the full potential of all our employees and help provide the best possible service to our full range of customers

Strongly promote customer focus within our entire organisation


We provide a wide range of products and services and aim to deliver the best possible service to all our customers. We will strive to ensure that no customer is unable to use, or is disadvantaged in accessing, our products and services. We will consult regularly to review customer needs and requirements. We will act to avoid and eliminate discrimination against any customer.

Our office opening hours are as follows: Monday to Friday 08:30 hrs to 1700 hrs excluding Bank Holidays.


We measure and assess our accessibility by customer complaints, compliments and comments

We aim to improve our accessibility through:

Maintaining an accessible complaints procedure

Regularly reviewing the quality and delivery of information

Researching customer information needs

Using plain language for communication medium

Providing training for specific staff on accessibility

Continuing to develop methods of measuring customer satisfaction


We will set out information about our services clearly and simply so that all our customers can understand it. This includes information on how to complain or give feedback about our products and services. We will promote the use of plain language for communication medium. We will answer all correspondence including letters, faxes and emails in a professional, timely and efficient manner.


We will investigate all customer complaints for the products and services we provide and promptly deal with any complaints received.

Our aim is to:

Strive for zero complaints

Issue an acknowledgement of complaints within one normal working day

Provide the minimum of a preliminary response to all correspondence relating to complaints within five working days of receipt by Staging Services Limited. If we cannot do this, we will write to the customer to explain why, the reason for the delay, what we are doing to overcome their complaint and inform them when they can expect a reply

Actively inform the customer of the progress relating to their complaint

Ensure the customer receives a total action plan and resolution should a complaint occur, through the Customer Complaints Procedure

Monitor complaint trends to endeavour to continually improve service levels and prevent similar complaints occurring in the future


Our aim is to:

Endeavour to acknowledge non-emergency or safety related queries within one normal working day

Use email auto response when out of the office stating an alternative colleague contact details for urgent enquiries

Provide the minimum of a preliminary response to all written correspondence relating to enquiries/queries within five working days of receipt by Staging Services Limited. If we cannot do this, we will write to the customer to explain why, the reason for the delay and inform them when they can expect a reply


We will answer telephone calls quickly and helpfully. Staging Services Limited will aim to answer 80% of all telephone calls within 30 seconds during normal working hours – 08:30 hrs to 1700 hrs Monday to Friday excluding Bank Holidays for standard enquiries/queries.

For Emergency calls we operate a 24/7 call service. This is for emergency calls only relating to safety issues.

Our aim is to:

Introduce ourselves and the department in a professional and courteous manner

Accurately take all details of the enquiry/query and we will try to answer the enquiry straight away. If we cannot do so we will acknowledge receipt of the enquiry within one working day and let the customer know when to expect a full response.

At all times offer practical, clear and timely advice which is specific to the Customers’ needs and expectations

Transfer calls only when necessary and ensure the transfer is available to take the call to minimise the passing of the customer


Staging Services Limited endeavours to visit customers and companies interested by our services on a regular basis. Key objectives for these meetings are to establish opportunities to listen carefully to customers’ needs and views. Members of staff will see visitors punctually when an appointment has been made at the office or an external venue. All staff will approach visitors in a courteous manner.


Staging Services Limited will endeavour to deliver products and services in a safe and timely manner.

Our aim is to:

Focus on service delivery to enable business targets to be met - Honour contractual agreements for delivery parameters

Endeavour to deliver all orders right first time and in full

Ensure when delivery dates are quoted, they are met and if any delays arise the customer is informed at the earliest opportunity


Staging Services Limited will ensure full technical support and product knowledge is available to support our products and services.

Our aim is to:

Ensure all relevant commercial, technical and safety detail is available for all standard products and services

Offer a complete and satisfactory maintenance programme for our equipment installed at customer sites

Deliver a continuous training programme for all products and services for all employees involved in customer facing/contact roles

Provide access to relevant technical and safety training to meet customer needs wherever possible


The principles of sustainable development have been at the heart of Staging Services corporate strategy for over 30 years.

Our aim is to:

Contribute towards preservation of the environment and natural resources, both in Group operations and at customer sites

Always continue to develop innovation and technological progress to guarantee the advancement of the company and its customers - being respectful of environmental impact

Maintain and continuously to develop a sustainable business operation

Preserve the environment

Continue to develop innovation for tomorrow



We will continually work to deliver services of the highest quality. We will work in close cooperation with all regulatory, legislative and governmental bodies to ensure complete compliance to all current legislation, regulation and industry best practice guidelines.

Our aim is to:

Maintain close links with key organisations in order to have full involvement in the development of industry and regulatory standards for staging and related equipment

Provide products compliant to all applicable live event, production, legislation

Make certification available to suit customer needs


Safety is at the heart of the Staging Services Limited industrial policy. Safety is a real priority not only for Staging Services Limited teams but also at our subcontractors and customer sites. With this key focus area in mind Staging Services commit to operate within all regulatory and legislative guidelines.

Our aim is to:

Strive for zero accidents

Comply with all industry best practice guidelines

Comply with Air Liquide Group Industrial Management System processes and procedures

Ensure our staff are fully trained and qualified to complete their roles

Produce regular safety bulletins to remind all staff of our commitment to safe working practice

Ensure safety documentation relating to our products and services is readily available for our staff and customers

Continuously develop best working practice for all our operations

Produce and deliver our products and services in the safest way possible

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